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An organization that has proven itself and gained confidence from important French companies: PRB, Géant Casino, Foncia, MACIF, SMA, VMI, TBS....
6 Vendée Globe and 4 victories
Exceptional French skippers, Michel Desjoyeaux, the skipper who has won the most solo victories, with 2 victories in the Vendée Globe (2000-2001 & 2007-2008), 3 victories in “La Solitaire du Figaro”, winner of the Route du Rhum, winner of the Transatlantic Race and of Transat Jacques-Vabre... Vincent Riou winner of the Vendée Globe in 2004-2005... François Gabart, winner of the Vendée Globe 2011-2012..., Paul Meilhat, winner of the Route du Rhum 2018...

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